The climbing hall is located in the centre of Selva, at the Nives square.
The entry costs are: 10 Euro for adults and 6 Euro for children until 16 years.
Season tickets are available.
Climbing Hall in Selva Gardena
The entry costs are: 10 Euro for adults and 6 Euro for children until 16 years.
Season tickets are available.
New membership card for the climbing hall Nives
***option with entry into the Boulderhal in Ortisei + climbing hall in S. Cristina
-> Available in the climbing hall Nives or into the Tennis Centre in Ortisei
The climbing area is 320 m² large, 12 m high
and has 25 climbing lines = 55 climbing routes.
Degree of difficulty: from 4a to 7c+
The alpine guides offer every day taster courses, climbing courses to learn the techniques.
They will take place in the late afternoon and in the evening.
Contact the GardenaGuides for more information:
info@gardenaguides.it - 0471 794 133
www.gardenaclimb.it - Climbing halls in Val Gardena
www.valgardena-active.com - Val Gardena Active
www.gardenaguides.it - Aggregation Alpine Guides Val Gardena
www.alpenverein.it - Alpenverein Südtirol
www.federclimb.it - Federazione Arrampicata Sportiva Italiana
www.gagherdeina.com - Grupa Alpinisc' Gherdëina
www.visitvalgardena.it - I wish I was in Val Gardena
Technical Partner
Climbing Hall "Nives"
Selva Val Gardena
Nive Square - "Zenter Karl Unterkircher"
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Climbing Hall by GardenaGuides: +39 0471 794 133 | +39 335 8377744 | info@gardenaguides.it
Tourist Office Selva Val Gardena: +39 0471 777 900 | selva@valgardena.it